
Gynaecological Disorders

Ayurveda has treatments for every gynaecological disorder/ condition starting with menarche and ending with Menopause. Yonivyapad is a term used in Ayurveda to denote gynaecological problems . In Ayurveda there is a well- planned antenatal regimen to treat pregnancy related ailments. The Menopausal syndrome can also be treated without hormones.

Types of Gynaecological disorder in Ayurveda-

Vata- Menstrual cramps,lower back pain, constipation, bloating, anxiety, sleeplessness, and nerve sensitivity during menses are of vata type diseases.

Pitta- Excess menstrual flow, Acne, rashes, red eyes, skin irritation, feverish feeling, burning sensation denote vitiation of pitta.

Kapha- Lengthy, moderate menstrual flow, heaviness, clots during menses, vaginal itching, lazy feeling all the time denote kapha increase in the body.

Treatments in Ayurveda include medicinal formulations specially designed according to the type of disorder and  Panchkarma (detoxification) which also includes localised procedures such as uttarabasti, yonidhavan (wash),and  pichu (medicated tampoons). At Recovalife clinics these treatments are carried out according to the constitution of an individual.

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